Friday, May 25, 2007


Ok, So this week has definitely been the funnest and most informative. I am now subscribed to LonelyGirl15's youtube videos and have all summer to catch up...goodness.

I love the Web 2.0 awards cus it helped me find the best of the best of things I didn't even know you could be the best of! I love knowing that Meebo is there for me whenever I am on a foreign computer and can't download applications. IF ONLY OUR PATRONS KNEW THIS!

Pandora is like my boyfriend's dreamsite. He has very eclectic musictastes and is constantly changing stations. So being able to make his own station (something we have joked about before) is great!

One site I recognized was craigslist. It was good to see that a site I am familiar with had won an award.

Web The video was great. Beautiful!

It's past midnight and I have to work all day tomorrow. Nine hour shifts on Saturdays...the only thing I would change about working at the library!

(My mom walked in on me watching the Belly dancers from Artfest 2007 on Youtube...I had a hard time explaining to her how that was educational....:P)

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