Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Opening Documents from Iphone

Awessome! I found the application called "think free." It allows you to most importantly view PDFs on your Iphone anytime you want for free. I've been trying to find a fast (free) way to do this for weeks! Great to know, great to share with patrons who are coming to use our free wireless via their iphones.

I really liked the lecture from Learn 2.0. It's true basically what he's saying. I have noticed a change in my peer group that is so drastic that I can't just chalk it up to us getting older. I rarely watch tv. Me and most of my friends watch shows like House and The Office. Most times, we just watch The Office from the computer! I am never "wasting time" in front of the television, but I have been known to Facebook troll for longer than I would like to document. :) I do love multitasking, something that I feel my generation has grown up thriving on. My mother never got that, never will get it, and still continues to be annoyed by how productive I am. She says I never relax or slow down cus I'm always on the computer or the phone or juggling multiple activities and online conversations. But that's kind of how we's just different.

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